was flogged|be flog in English

was whipped, was lashed

Use "was flogged|be flog" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "was flogged|be flog" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "was flogged|be flog", or refer to the context using the word "was flogged|be flog" in the English Dictionary.

1. The boy was cruelly flogged for stealing.

2. The suspect was flogged into confession.

3. He was publicly flogged and humiliated.

4. He was flogged with a cat-o'nine tails.

5. Soldiers used to be flogged for disobedience.

6. For her trespass, my daughter will be flogged.

7. Words like Bebelted, be f athered, be flogged, bepowdered, beribboned, beyouged, beturba,wd, .

8. How cruel was the man to flog his own son to death!

9. They are trying to flog their house.

10. In 1524 one of its leaders, Jan Kalenec, was flogged and scorched.

11. We should be able to flog the car for a good price.

12. For doing that, they were arrested and flogged.

13. Flog Boomslange liquiform Aroostook deuterotokous deoxycorticosterone

14. We should be able to flog the car ( to someone ) for a good price.

15. Compare sell, vend, peddle , push and flog.

16. 1 Homer should have been flogged for propagating rubbish.

17. 9 Being Ymor's right-hand man was like being gently flogged to death with scented bootlaces.

18. Homer should have been flogged for propagating rubbish.

19. He would flog her to death with a rubber truncheon.

20. It was a pleasure to flog her, to defend her, to scrutinize, criticize and idolize her.

21. We buy them cheaply and then flog them off at a profit.

22. If he didn't become a telly millionaire turning out musical trash they could be flogged for a few pounds.

23. A rather unpleasant and damp flog came in its place.

24. Jesus told Peter to feed his sheep not to flog them.

25. Flog your dog till somebody tells you what's happenin'.